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Kerri Bee (kerbev)

Joined 10 years ago from Upstate, NY

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    7 Tips for Eating in a Restaurant With Kids

    9 months ago

    Eating out can be a respite from having to cook (and clean up) a meal at home. Plus, it should be a fun experience! Here are some tips for eating out with your children that will help keep it a fun experience for everyone—kids, parents, and other guests alike.

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    How to Make a Palm Sunday Corsage with Rose

    6 years ago

    Learn how to fold your palms from Palm Sunday into a beautiful corsage with a rose that can be work on a suit or dress (or even in your hair).

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    Kamala Speaks - An Autobiography of "The Ugandan Giant"

    5 years ago

    Kamala Speaks is the new autobiography of Kamala, the Ugandan Giant, the WWE professional wrestler. He shares his experiences in pro wrestling and in his personal life.

  • Pop Culture Quiz: Name That Monkey

    Pop Culture Quiz: Name That Monkey

    10 years ago

    Test your pop culture primate knowledge with a quiz that will have you second guessing which gorilla, monkey, or ape that was.

  • The Amazing Marvin Suggs And His Muppaphone

    The Amazing Marvin Suggs And His Muppaphone

    7 years ago

    The Amazing Marvin Suggs and His Muppaphone were a variety act on The Muppet Show like none other. Marvin could play that muppaphone like nobody's business - those poor little mupps.

  • Jacob's Ladder Is Still a Fun Toy ... Even After All These Years

    Jacob's Ladder Is Still a Fun Toy ... Even After All These Years

    10 years ago

    It's hundreds of years old, but the Jacob's Ladder toy is still fascinating children and adults alike. It's just a stack of wood and ribbon, but it's a ton of fun.

  • 10 Capital District Festivals Not to Miss

    10 Capital District Festivals Not to Miss

    10 years ago

    New York's Capital Region is rich with events and happenings. We've got festivals and family events of all sorts throughout the year, but these are my ten favorites - I never miss them!

  • A Review of Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson - The War for Independence from a different perspective

    A Review of Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson - The War for Independence from a different perspective

    10 years ago

    Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson is a YP historical novel that tells of a slave girl in NYC during the Revolutionary War. It gives a perspective of that was not often written.

  • Krampus Christmas Ornament

    Krampus Christmas Ornament

    10 years ago

    You know about Santa, but do you know about Krampus? While Santa brings treats to the good little boys and girls, Krampus has something more sinister in store for the bad ones.

  • Monty Python Fluxx - a Worthy & Quirky Card Game

    Monty Python Fluxx - a Worthy & Quirky Card Game

    6 years ago

    Monty Python Fluxx is a game of constant fun and unexpected twists. Everyone will be roaring by the end of this quirky card game.

  • 5 Videos Every Boss Should Watch if He Want's to Motivate His Team

    5 Videos Every Boss Should Watch if He Want's to Motivate His Team

    10 years ago

    Every good boss wants a motivated team, but not all know just what it takes to make one. Learn the art of motivation in the workplace to get a bettter, happier, more productive team.

  • 12 Best Movies to Watch on Cinco de Mayo

    12 Best Movies to Watch on Cinco de Mayo

    5 years ago

    12 Great Movies to watch on Cinco de Mayo, from comedies to dramas to thrillers, one of these Cinco de Mayo movies with some mexican food and cerveza will make a great evening.

  • Tagua Nut Bracelets - Beautiful & Eco Friendly!

    Tagua Nut Bracelets - Beautiful & Eco Friendly!

    8 years ago

    Tagua nut is a natural materal used for jewelry and other decorative purposes (like buttons). Tagua nut can be dyed beautiful colors and makes gorgeous bracelets.

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    How to Make a Bristlebot

    22 months ago

    Bristlebots are tiny robots made by repurposing a toothbrush and equipping it with a vibration motor. It sounds boring until you see them go! Turn your creation into a fun project or educational science lesson!

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    United States and US Presidents Educational Placemats

    11 years ago

    When I was a kid, my Mom had a collection of kids place mats she would always put on the table wherever a child sat. As a kid, I loved them. They were fun where everyone else's was boring (in the eyes of a child). Looking back, I recognize that...

  • 6 Reasons I Love My Targus Versavu iPad Mini Case

    6 Reasons I Love My Targus Versavu iPad Mini Case

    11 years ago

    I recently got an iPad mini (which I totally love) and immediately went looking for the right case for me. I was looking for an ipad mini cover that is quality built, good looking, and strong enough to protect it. I was not concerned with having a...

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    Worcester Patriotic Pewter Plates

    6 years ago

    I love my collection of Worcester Patriotic Pewter Plates. It's a beautiful and well made series of American collector plates.

  • 10 Great Zombie Love Stories

    10 Great Zombie Love Stories

    10 years ago

    Zombies have hearts too (whether or not they're beating). Spend a quiet evening at home curled up with a zombie love story in one hand and an ax in the other. Enjoy these 10 zombie books of love.

  • I Love You To The Moon & Back Necklace

    I Love You To The Moon & Back Necklace

    9 years ago

    Anyone who has read Guess How I Much I Love You will have a little place in their heart for this phrase "I Love You To The Moon & Back". These necklaces display that beautifully.

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    5 Reasons to Cut Your Pumpkin From the Bottom

    13 months ago

    Most people start carving their pumpkins by cutting off the top. Why? It's what you've always done, but is it the best way? Here are five reasons to cut your pumpkin from the bottom instead.

  • A Review of Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld

    A Review of Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld

    10 years ago

    Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld is a steampunk novel, the first in a trilogy, written for the YA audience but enjoyed by all. In this world, bioengineering had progressed leaps and bounds, strangely.

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    Vintage Halloween Paper Mache Decorations

    10 years ago

    Paper mache lanterns and decorations were once a staple of the Halloween experience. Used also as candy containers, these painted paper items were cheap and very popular. Many of them were manufactured in Germany after WWI and important to America,...

  • Year 2012 Pumpkin Carving Stencils

    Year 2012 Pumpkin Carving Stencils

    12 years ago

    Every year, I like to carve a pumpkin with the year in it and put it on my front steps. Often I see parents snap a photo of their kids in their costumes alongside the pumpkin. Years from now, when they look back on their photos, they'll know exactly...

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    My Mutant Dandelions

    5 years ago

    My yard has mutated dandelions! Learn about fascinated dandelions and how this mutation manifests itself in various other flowers as well.

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    1980s M.U.S.C.L.E. Men Wrestler Toys

    7 years ago

    M.U.S.C.L.E. Men were a 1980s line of toys which were small monotone wrestling action figures. Each one had a different body shape, some quite monstrous. They were cheap and tons of fun.

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    How to Make a Palm Rose for Palm Sunday

    2 years ago

    Palm leaves or fronds can be used to make various crafts—the most popular being a crucifix for the Catholic celebration of Palm Sunday. You can also make beautiful flowers. Learn how to make a rose in eight simple steps.

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    Amazing Mexican Talavera Toilets in Stunning Vibrant Colors

    5 years ago

    Amazing Mexican Talavera Toilets are Stunning Vibrant Colorful toilets that will give your bathroom some life.

  • 10 Romantic Gift Ideas for an Antiques Junkie

    10 Romantic Gift Ideas for an Antiques Junkie

    11 years ago

    If you are in love with an antique freak then gift giving is always an experience because something from the local department store just won't do. If you are looking for a romantic gift, the Victorian Era is the obvious place to start. Plus, prices...

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    Pointless Facebook Quotes

    11 years ago

    I can't stand quotes overlayed on images. So I made some stupid ones.

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    Thanksgiving Dinner....with Bacon!

    5 years ago

    Plan a Thanksgiving Dinner they will never forget. Do it all with Bacon! Bacon in every dish will make a feast to really be thankful for.

  • Vintage Turkey Platters

    Vintage Turkey Platters

    12 years ago

    Every year on Thanksgiving families across the country reach to the top shelf in the cabinet, and to the bottom shelf of the hutch, retrieving dinnerware used each year for this specific meal. Every family has these items - the salt & pepper shakers...

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    Vintage Halloween Noisemakers

    4 years ago

    Vintage Halloween noisemakers are fun collectibles in a growing field of vintage Halloween items. The graphics and colors used on these shakers, clackers, and tambourines make them popular.

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    Amazing Halloween Wreaths

    5 years ago

    Halloween is one holiday that lives you a chance to get really creative, and a bit silly, in your decorating. A Halloween wreath on your front door is a must have. While some put up one fall wreath for the whole season, I like to put up a new one...

  • Bruno Mars Costumes from The Lazy Song - Bruno Mars & The Chimps

    Bruno Mars Costumes from The Lazy Song - Bruno Mars & The Chimps

    12 years ago

    Bruno Mars' music video for the Lazy Song makes for an awesome costume for Halloween this year. "Today I don't feel like doing anything I just wanna lay in my bed." Guys and girls can wear the Bruno Mars chimp costume - in fact, a whole group of...

  • Great Books for Getting Kids Emotionally Ready for Kindergarten

    Great Books for Getting Kids Emotionally Ready for Kindergarten

    10 years ago

    If you are getting a little one ready for kindergarten, then it's a great idea to read some books with them to help them get emotionally ready for the big change.

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    'Ship Breaker' by Paolo Bacigalupi - A Post-Apocalyptic Adventure

    5 years ago

    'Ship Breaker' by Paolo Bacigalupi is a story of poor working child on a quest. Set in the distant future, after climate change has caused massive changes to the landscape and to society, this is a Post-Apocalyptic adventure worth reading.

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    What Do Your Kids Call Their Private Parts?

    6 years ago

    Kids need to call their private parts something, but what should it be? What do you teach your kids, and what did you call them? Does your little one use the anatomical term or something else?

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    Out Of My Mind by Sharon M. Draper

    4 years ago

    Out Of My Mind is a story of a middle school girl with cerebral palsy, with an interesting perspective: it's told from her point of view. She cannot speak or walk, but she can think.

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    Is It Offensive When Men Call Women 'Females'?

    4 years ago

    Sometimes I hear the term "female" used to describe a woman and makes me cringe. It seems so demeaning to me. Am I alone?

  • The Princes Of Ireland by Edward Rutherfurd

    The Princes Of Ireland by Edward Rutherfurd

    10 years ago

    The Princes Of Ireland by Edward Rutherfurd is a multi generational historical fiction, the first in a 2 book saga that follows one location in Ireland and watches as the land & history changes there.

  • Who has more raw talent: Lady Gaga or Madonna?

    Who has more raw talent: Lady Gaga or Madonna?

    14 years ago

    A lot of comparison has been done between Lady Gaga and Madonna, and not without good reason either. Lady Gaga and Madonna are both known for repeatedly reinventing themselves. They both wore costumes considered outrageous at the time, and there are...

  • George Washington's Life As Seen In Vintage Postcards

    George Washington's Life As Seen In Vintage Postcards

    10 years ago

    Learn about George Washington's Life as displayed on Vintage Postcards

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    Love Tokens: Engraved Coins

    6 years ago

    The tradition of Love Tokens, being engraved coins given to a loved one, has left us with beautiful artistic representations of love.

  • Chocolate Topped Cherry Drops - Yummy Holiday Cookies

    Chocolate Topped Cherry Drops - Yummy Holiday Cookies

    10 years ago

    Chocolate topped cherry drops are delicious cookies that taste taste a hint like cordial cherries. They are great holiday cookies for the family or to give to a friend.

  • 8 Books For People Who Just Don't Read Books

    8 Books For People Who Just Don't Read Books

    9 years ago

    Some people love to read...some don't. But that doesn't mean they can't appreciate a book as a gift. Get them a fun or interesting book that isn't so intense and they'll love it.

  • Vintage Cabbage Patch Kids PVCs

    Vintage Cabbage Patch Kids PVCs

    10 years ago

    In the 1980s Cabbage Patch Kids had a line of PVC figures / dolls. I loved my Cabbage Patch PVCs better then my actual dolls.

  • Squid Bull Monster Jack-o-Lantern

    Squid Bull Monster Jack-o-Lantern

    10 years ago

    Take a look at Squid Bull Monster Jack-o-Lantern that won second prize in a pumpkin carving contest and see how I made it.

  • Couple Costumes: Cool or Lame?

    Couple Costumes: Cool or Lame?

    11 years ago

    Every Halloween thousands of couples around the world enter the same argument: to do a couple costume or not. Some people love them, others hate them. A successful couple costume has to be one that both people are committed to. It has to be...

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    Jolly Green Giant Halloween Costumes

    10 years ago

    A Jolly Green Giant Halloween Costume is a fun and unexpected costume for a guy.

  • Jewmongous: Unkosher Comedy Songs

    Jewmongous: Unkosher Comedy Songs

    10 years ago

    Jewmongous is Sean Altman's album of Jewish songs that will have you rolling in laughter.

  • Beautifully Decorated Halloween Mantel Displays

    Beautifully Decorated Halloween Mantel Displays

    8 years ago

    Look at these beautiful Halloween mantel displays for ideas to make your mantle classy and gorgeous this Halloween.

  • Campground Halloween - A Summer Tradition

    Campground Halloween - A Summer Tradition

    10 years ago

    Celebrating Halloween in a campground is a long had tradition and an awesome night to be camping. Trick or treating camper to camper, tent to tent, followed by getting scared witless in the wood!

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    Tips for Passing Out Candy to Trick-or-Treaters on Halloween

    6 years ago

    Passing out candy on Halloween should be a treat for the giver as well as the trick-or-treaters. Learn some tricks to help make it a fun, safe, and frustration free event for all.

  • Last Night On Earth - The Zombie Board Game

    Last Night On Earth - The Zombie Board Game

    11 years ago

    Last Night on Earth, The Zombie Game is a fast-paced horror board game that includes the same excitement and storylines as your favorite zombie movie. With many different characters and scenarios, this game is never the same game twice. Created by...

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    Christian Pumpkin Carving for Halloween: Printable Stencils

    13 months ago

    Christians can carve a pumpkin for Halloween that is not scary or a jack-o'lantern but one that shares the message of Jesus, the Light of the World. Here are some free printable stencil templates.

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    Haunted Sites in the Capital District

    6 years ago

    The Albany NY area is filled with Haunted Sites with stories that will amaze. The Capital District, as most old areas, has a history and with that are some people that chose to stay after death.

  • Thrill The World: Zombies Worldwide Dance Michael Jackson's Thriller

    Thrill The World: Zombies Worldwide Dance Michael Jackson's Thriller

    11 years ago

    Thrill The World is an annual event that celebrates one of the most amazing music videos ever made - Michael Jackson's Thriller. For Thrill The World, people around the globe simultaneously do the Thriller dance at local events, in hopes of breaking...

  • Growing White Pumpkins

    Growing White Pumpkins

    9 years ago

    Grow your own white pumpkins and in October you will have a beautiful Halloween display.

  • Pumpkin Circle: The Story of a Garden

    Pumpkin Circle: The Story of a Garden

    10 years ago

    Pumpkin Circle: The Story of a Garden is a great book that teaches how pumpkins come to be.

  • Scary & Spooky Trees - Photoshop Brushes and Shapes

    Scary & Spooky Trees - Photoshop Brushes and Shapes

    10 years ago

    For a spooky or dark scene, add some creepy trees to give it a great creepy feel. These photoshop brushes of spooky trees are a great start!

  • Lobster Costumes - For Babies, Kids, and Adults

    Lobster Costumes - For Babies, Kids, and Adults

    11 years ago

    A Lobster -- what a perfect Halloween costume. It can be cute, or it can be cool. It can be friendly or angry. A lobster is perfect for anyone to dress up as! The lobster also lends itself great to costume sets. A family, couple, or group of...

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    Does Rainbow Fish Promote Socialism? Materialism? Uniformity? Or Sharing?

    7 years ago

    Rainbow Fish by Marcus Phister is certainly a beautiful book, but it's so called message of sharing is a bit off. It's not just sharing it promotes, but uniformity, materialism, and perhaps socialism.

  • Stephen Colbert's Charity Work

    Stephen Colbert's Charity Work

    13 years ago

    On The Colbert Report, Stephen Colbert does his best to tell the news, the best way he knows how. It may not be pretty, it may not be accurate, but it is obvious, however, that he cares. He cares about America, he cares about his fellow man, he...

  • Using Human Hair (and animal fur) to Clean Oil Spills

    Using Human Hair (and animal fur) to Clean Oil Spills

    11 years ago

    With the oil spill Gulf of Mexico threatening the ecology, people worldwide are watching wishing they could help. Perhaps they don't realize just how much they can. Human hair and animal fur can be used to help clean up the oil and stop its spread....

  • Do You Doodle? The Drawing Alternative to Coloring Books

    Do You Doodle? The Drawing Alternative to Coloring Books

    10 years ago

    Coloring books are great, but doodle books can expand a child's imagination in a different way by encouraging drawing. These books have a part of a picture done that a child can finish as they wish.

  • Quiz: Sitcom Couples - Name that Show

    Quiz: Sitcom Couples - Name that Show

    10 years ago

    This fun little quiz will test your you memory of TV couples. See how well you can identify the sitcom by the couple? Put all that television watching to use!

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    Quiz: Do You Know Your Baldwin Brothers?

    10 years ago

    How well do you know your Baldwin Brothers? They're everywhere, but now you can test your knowledge of them and take the big Baldwin Bros poll. See what others think of Stephen, Alec, Billy, and Dan.

  • Quiz: Are you gross?

    Quiz: Are you gross?

    10 years ago

    How gross are you? Did you ever wonder where you fall on the grossness spectrum? I mean, you know you do some gross things, but how to you stack up to everyone else?

  • Quotes from Shakespeare - Test Your Memory

    Quotes from Shakespeare - Test Your Memory

    12 years ago

    How well do you know your Shakespeare?  The amount of famous quotes from Shakespeare's plays is extraordinary.  How well do you remember who said what and in which play? Take these two quizzes to find out.  The first asks simply in what play did...

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    Quiz: Are you a vampire?

    7 years ago

    Have you ever wondered if you are you a vampire? They seem to be everywhere these days, so maybe you're one of them. Take this quick quiz and find out.

  • Quiz: How Well Do You Know Your Christmas Carols?

    Quiz: How Well Do You Know Your Christmas Carols?

    11 years ago

    You've been singing these songs since you were a child, but how well can you really remember the words to popular Christmas Carols?  Without that carol book in front of you, are you lost? Take this short ten question quiz and find out how well you...

  • Crayon Aprons - The Toolbelt for Those Who Love Coloring

    Crayon Aprons - The Toolbelt for Those Who Love Coloring

    11 years ago

    Do you have a little one who loves coloring? A crayon apron is a cute and fun gift that can make a child feel like they are a grown up crafter. They'll be so proud of themselves in their very own apron made especially for them. I remember how much...

  • How to Use the Google Book Clip Tool

    How to Use the Google Book Clip Tool

    11 years ago

    Did you know that you can use Google Books and its "clip" tool to display portions of millions of books that are in the public domain? That's right. You can now search an enormous library of old books and display bits and pieces (of text or...

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    Mommy, What's a Disco Stick? - What To Tell Your Kids

    7 years ago

    Here it is...the moment you've been dreading...your little one whom you've watched grow since they were the tiniest of babies looks up at you, at the adorable age of six and asks, "Mommy, What is a disco stick?" What are you going to say? Do you...

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    Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely

    7 years ago

    In his book Predictably Irrational, Dan Ariely seeks an answer to the question, "Are we in control of our own decisions?" I recently stumbled upon a speech by Dan Ariely in which he discusses this very question with a few fascinating examples, some...

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    1980s Plastic Charm Bracelets & Necklaces

    9 years ago

    If you were a girl in the 1980s, you probably had some plastic charms for a bracelet or necklace. They were colorful, fun, and cheap! These little bell charms have only grown in their awesomeness!

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    Is "Mathematics" a Singular or Plural Noun?

    5 years ago

    Mathematics is a word we all use, but is it plural or singular? The Americans and the British may have different thoughts on this - especially with the use of the words Math and Maths!

  • Going Green...With Poop

    Going Green...With Poop

    13 years ago

    Becoming globally conscious (socially and environmentally) involves a lot of poop. Yep. Poop. Worldwide, millions die from illnesses caused by unclean water (caused by lacking sewerage systems). In Africa, millions starve who could not grow food...

  • Lion Hugs: Expressions of Love from The King of the Jungle

    Lion Hugs: Expressions of Love from The King of the Jungle

    9 years ago

    When we think about nature, we often put animals into two categories: the cute & cuddly, and the fierce & dangerous. The fierce & dangerous can be a beautiful creature, but one you can hug? Rarely. Rarely, do we consider that those fierce and...

  • How to Participate in National Postcard Week (NPCW)

    How to Participate in National Postcard Week (NPCW)

    11 years ago

    National Postcard Week is always in early May, and it celebrates the wonderful tradition of the postcard. Participating in National Postcard Week can be as simple as sending one friend a postcard, or as grand as an organized postcard exchange. NPCW...

  • What is 7?

    What is 7?

    10 years ago

    What is 7? Is it a number? A symbol? a shape? or more? Learn a little lesson in looking deeper, finding meaning, and questioning what you're told.

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    National Wear Red Day: Heart Disease Awareness

    10 years ago

    National Wear Red Day, taking place in early February, is all about Heart Disease Awareness and women's health. Learn about women's risks for heart disease and what you can do for your heart health.

  • SquidKiva - A Kiva Community for Squidoo Lensmasters

    SquidKiva - A Kiva Community for Squidoo Lensmasters

    6 years ago

    SquidKiva is a Kiva Community of members from the Squidoo community. Kiva facilitates micro-loans to individuals worldwide that would otherwise not be afforded the opportunity to open or expand their small business. All squidoo lensmasters are...

  • The 10 Most Useful Household Gifts for Seniors

    The 10 Most Useful Household Gifts for Seniors

    11 years ago

    Shopping for an senior is often difficult. I love to give people something that will get used. Consider giving your parents or grandparents a gift that will be truly useful to them. Get them something that will make the daily tasks of life a bit...

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    Shakespearean Insults

    11 years ago

    "It is certain that when he makes water his urine is congealed ice." That was just one of the eloquent ways Shakespeare managed to insult someone. That William sure had a way with words! He could describe something as grand or beautiful, but if he...

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    Shakespeare's Oxymorons

    6 years ago

    Learn about Shakespeare's use of the oxymoron in his works. From Romeo and Juliet, to Hamlet, to Macbeth and more, The Bard used a lot of oxymora!

  • Joan Steiner :: Look-Alikes

    Joan Steiner :: Look-Alikes

    11 years ago

    Joan Steiner is an extraordinary artist who uses common household items in an everyday objects in ingenious and unexpected ways. Her 3D art pieces are quite a sight. You can stare at one piece for a long time and constantly see new things in it. ...

  • How to Get The Perfect Marilyn Monroe Look

    How to Get The Perfect Marilyn Monroe Look

    11 years ago

    You don't want to wear just any costume this year. This year, you want a knock 'em dead. You want a sexy costume, but sexy with style. A Marilyn Monroe costume is perfect. You can adapt it to your needs and choose the right Marilyn look for you. ...

  • Christian Pledge of Allegiance

    Christian Pledge of Allegiance

    6 years ago

    Where do your allegiances lie? To God and country? Then your pledge of allegiance should include both. The Christian flag has been used for over a hundred years, and is displayed in thousands of churches, homes, and organizations. It is the only...

  • What were Me and Julio doing down by the schoolyard?

    What were Me and Julio doing down by the schoolyard?

    12 years ago

    It was against the law. That much we know. But, what exactly were Me and Julio doing down by the schoolyard. Were we fighting, protesting, kissing? It had to be something considerable to cause Mama to go to the police, a radical priest to get...

  • Uncle Sam: An American National Symbol

    Uncle Sam: An American National Symbol

    10 years ago

    Uncle Sam is the personification of America itself. The is the face of our nation. He is a character, but one based on a real man - a meat packer from Troy, NY.

  • Should Pharmaceutical Companies Use Direct-to-Consumer Advertising?

    Should Pharmaceutical Companies Use Direct-to-Consumer Advertising?

    8 years ago

    Open a magazine or turn on the TV and it won't be long before you see an advertisement for a prescription medication. These direct to consumer advertisements cut out the doctor who is the one who knows much more about prescriptions and their uses...

  • Is Old School Sesame Street Appropriate for Kids Today?

    Is Old School Sesame Street Appropriate for Kids Today?

    9 years ago

    New Sesame Street just isn't the same as the old stuff, but is the Old School Sesame Street we know and love actually inappropriate for today's kids?

  • Deep Thoughts By Jack Handey

    Deep Thoughts By Jack Handey

    12 years ago

    Jack Handey has written several books, and has been was featured Saturday Night Live for several years. He has recently written articles in The New Yorker. Jack Handey is an amazing philosopher - much like Confucius in his life changing and profound...

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    Guatemalan Worry Dolls

    10 years ago

    Guatemalan Worry Dolls are small primitive traditional dolls that are meant to take away ones worries.

  • There Really Are 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover

    There Really Are 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover

    10 years ago

    Trying to decide how to leave your lover? Tell them face to face. Don't like that idea, well, there really are 50 ways to leave your lover.

  • M. Ward: Singer-Songwriter, Guitarist

    M. Ward: Singer-Songwriter, Guitarist

    12 years ago

    M. Ward, is a singer-songwriter and guitarist. His music is bluesy folk rock - hard to explain. You really must hear it to appreciate it. His work on the guitar is absolutely amazing, better than I have heard in quite some time. M. Ward's music has...

  • Do kids really need cell phones?

    Do kids really need cell phones?

    10 years ago

    Every kid wants a cell phone. But do they need them? Should they have them?

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    Enjoy the Day in a Cabana Islander

    5 years ago

    Imagine the fun you'll have spending time floating on the water with a few of your friends, or just your sweetheart. A cabana islander seats up to six people and offers shade from the often harsh sun while still letting you feel the breeze. Plus, it...

  • Bilibo - The toy overflowing with imagination

    Bilibo - The toy overflowing with imagination

    9 years ago

    Bilibo is a toy that becomes whatever it is you imagine it to be. It is specifically designed to feed into the ways that children like to play, and it encourages them to use their imagination.

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    If you were a robot, and I knew but you didn't, would you want me to tell you?

    7 years ago

    If you were a robot, and I knew but you didn't, would you want me to tell you? This question was posed on The Big Bang Theory. I have spent quite a while (mostly while driving) contemplating this issue and attempting to come up with my answer. It...

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    The Tradition of Saint Brigid's Cross

    10 years ago

    Saint Brigid's Cross is the symbol of St Brigid. This traditional Iris cross is woven from rushes and is a beautiful symbol of Christianity and Ireland.

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    (Family Ties) Skippy or Nick?

    6 years ago

    If I were Mallory, I would have totally gone for Skippy rather than Nick. No question, no hesitation. Skippy is by far superior to Nick. Right? Skippy was an adorable sweetheart who was head over heals in love with her and would do anything for...

  • Organ Donation Should be an Opt-Out System

    Organ Donation Should be an Opt-Out System

    6 years ago

    Do You Think Organ Donation Should be an Opt-Out System? I do. Currently America uses an "opt-in" system for organ donation, whereas a person must have declared earlier that they wished for their organs to be donated. I believe that an "opt-out"...

  • Bratz Dolls are Slutty and a Poor Example for Little Girls

    Bratz Dolls are Slutty and a Poor Example for Little Girls

    7 years ago

    Bratz Dolls are Slutty and a Poor Example for Little Girls Is this what we really want our little girls playing with? Fishnet Stockings, fitted leather jumpsuits, and thongs? Dolls who are marketed sitting like pinups? Oh, even their name annoys...

  • Did Atlantis Really Exist?

    Did Atlantis Really Exist?

    10 years ago

    Did Atlantis Really Exist? The Legend of Atlantis has been around over two thousand years and many have speculated on its location and existence. What do you think?

  • Keep it Safe in a Diversion Safe

    Keep it Safe in a Diversion Safe

    10 years ago

    Diversion safes, or hidden safes, are a unique home security item that allows you to keep your valuables hidden by keeping them in what appears to be an innocent and common household product. These decoys are easily overlooked when a burglar is...

  • 202

    Celebrating Pi Day 3.14: How to Throw A Great Pi Party

    6 years ago

    Plan an outstanding Pi Day 3.14 event with activities, jokes, songs, and geeky fun Pi Day games.

  • 41

    Mole Day: October 23

    10 years ago

    Mole Day is that wonderful day of the year, October 23, where science geeks and freaks can revel in Avogadro's number. Come chemistry fans, and enjoy Mole Day!

  • 7

    Mummenschanz: The Swiss Mime Troupe

    6 years ago

    Mummenschanz is an amazing Swiss mime troupe that have been around since the seventies. Their creative approach with unexpected props make their performances extraordinary. With Mummenschanz, mime is so much more than a man in an invisible box....

  • Getting the Best Results in the Squidoo Ebay Module

    Getting the Best Results in the Squidoo Ebay Module

    11 years ago

    With so much information online, it is often surprising how many people do not utilize advanced search commands to help pick through the results, bringing all the good ones to the top, and keep the rest off the list. With eBay, and especially with...

  • Matchbox Mega Rig Set

    Matchbox Mega Rig Set

    13 years ago

    The Matchbox Mega-Rig series includes several play sets with interchangeable modular pieces. Each set can be rearranged into several types of vehicles, and together the possibilities are endless. The ultra-fun Shark Ship is the perfect example of...

  • 75

    Saving Water with the Toilet Sink Combo

    5 years ago

    Save water, save money, and have the convenience of a sink where one may not fit by using a toilet sink combo that turns your toilet into a sink.

  • 2

    Phi Beta Kappa Society

    10 years ago

    Phi Beta Kappa Society is America's oldest liberal arts honor society.

  • A Lifetime Of Secrets: A PostSecret Book

    A Lifetime Of Secrets: A PostSecret Book

    7 years ago

    What is your biggest secret? The one thing you don't want anyone to know? Thousands have written their secrets on postcards and sent them to Frank Warren. Published into books, and put on exhibit, these secrets serve as powerful proof that we are...

  • La Tomatina: The World's Largest Tomato Fight

    La Tomatina: The World's Largest Tomato Fight

    11 years ago

    Each year in Bunol, Spain (in the Valencia region) the world's largest tomato fight commences. La Tomatina is the ultimate food fight. It is a festival for which people travel thousands of miles and all for the pleasure of pelting, and being pelted,...

  • Goodnight Moon :: A Bedtime Favorite

    Goodnight Moon :: A Bedtime Favorite

    10 years ago

    This book is one that every child must have. It's simple and accessible story is great for any child. Here I am in this room, these are the things around me, I am comfortable and safe here, and it is time for bed. This is the type of story kids...

  • Extreme Wheelchair

    Extreme Wheelchair

    12 years ago

    A wheelchair is no longer an excuse to be mild or average. It is just not the limitation it used to be. If a person has that extreme sport mentality, then a mere wheelchair will not stop them. Ramps, jumps, even flips are possible. Mountain...

  • 595

    What to Do With Your Old Soda Cans

    5 years ago

    Don't just throw out your used aluminum cans, recycle or reuse them! What can you make out of a beer can? A whole lot! Soda cans can be reused for crafts and all sorts of purposes!

  • Monsterpiece Theater Video Showcase

    Monsterpiece Theater Video Showcase

    11 years ago

    Parody is one of the sincerest forms of flattery and one of the funniest forms of comedy. Sesame Street took it to an "art" form on several levels with Monsterpiece Theater. Designed as a play on the PBS classic Masterpiece Theater, it was hosted by...

  • Out Of The Dust by Karen Hesse

    Out Of The Dust by Karen Hesse

    10 years ago

    Out Of The Dust by Karen Hesse is a novel about a girl in the dust bowl written in free verse. It is an amazing story and a nice introduction into a different type of literature.

  • The Pajama Program - A Charity for Children

    The Pajama Program - A Charity for Children

    10 years ago

    The Pajama Program is a Charity for Children that provides pajamas and bedtime books to kids in the foster care program and other children in need of them.

  • The Giver by Lois Lowry

    The Giver by Lois Lowry

    7 years ago

    Lowry creates a perfect society...or so it seemed. In this future society everyone is happy. It is a society which has chosen to be ignorant of its past, blissfully ignorant. A society which has systematically chosen to give up individuality and...

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    The Magic Of Ordinary Days

    6 years ago

    The Magic Of Ordinary Days by Ann Howard Creel is a love story of love growing between to put together by circumstances, in 1944 on a farm. Though very different people, they learn from each other.

  • Everyone Poops

    Everyone Poops

    12 years ago

    I do not think any child is unable to grasp the concept of poop, to the point of requiring a book specifically devoted to it. What will they learn from Uncle Bob and public school if they already know all there is to know about poop? Sure read it...

  • 1

    Testimony Of An Irish Slave Girl

    4 years ago

    Testimony Of An Irish Slave Girl by Kate McCafferty is a novel about a girl stolen from her home in Ireland and sent as a slave to the Caribbean in the 1700s. An interesting historical fiction.

  • Greg Pattillo's Beatboxing Flute

    Greg Pattillo's Beatboxing Flute

    11 years ago

    Greg Pattillo amazes street audiences young and old with his beatboxing flute.  His music is more then you've heard from any flute before.  With just a flute in hand, he plays song you know in a way you have never heard. Beatboxing has become very...

  • 45

    How to Make Great Jello Shots

    7 years ago

    Learn to make great Jello Shots and what combinations of liquor and jello go best together.

  • 109

    A Celebration of Life, Not a Mourning of Death

    5 years ago

    A traditional funeral service with black suits and quiet church music and people gathered around a casket or urn, is okay for some, but it is not favorable for many people. Sometimes mourning a life just doesn't feel right. Life should be...

  • 77

    Irish Slaves in the Caribbean

    5 years ago

    Many may not know that many Irish lived as slaves in the Caribbean. Alongside black slaves were thousands of Irish slaves lied to or even stolen from their homes and sold into slavery.

  • Jello Recipes

    Jello Recipes

    11 years ago

    You can't go to a family picnic, or a neighbor's birthday party without seeing a jello dish of some sort on the table. This are the recipes lovingly made and passed on within families. These are the down to earth recipes that memories are based on....

  • The Art of the Oxymoron

    The Art of the Oxymoron

    12 years ago

    An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines two normally contradictory terms. In their purest form, the very definitions of the words are contradictory (Jumbo Shrimp). But, then there are the opinionated ones. for which the words do not...

  • I Love Skippy from Family Ties

    I Love Skippy from Family Ties

    7 years ago

    Skippy is SO MUCH more amazing than stupid Nick. Any Family Ties fan knows this. Skippy had it going on!

  • Public Collections of Gum

    Public Collections of Gum

    12 years ago

    I have always admired gum collections.  Not a person's gum collection (that's creepy), but rather a community's gum collection.  Colleges, camps, parks, city walls, a local mall.  They often have one place where, for whatever reason, a community...

  • The (Street) Art of Stencil Graffiti

    The (Street) Art of Stencil Graffiti

    11 years ago

    Stencil graffiti is growing in popularity worldwide. This street art can be a few simple words, or a grand scale art piece. Because it is cheap, quick, and easy, this style of graffiti has grown tremendously. Often the stencils express political and...

  • Jon Lovitz -vs- Andy Dick

    Jon Lovitz -vs- Andy Dick

    10 years ago

    John Lovitz smashed Andy's Dick's face into a bar until he bled. This is what we suspect it looked like.

  • Ghau Pendants

    Ghau Pendants

    10 years ago

    Ghau pendants are beautiful pieces that each can be opened to reveal

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    Testicle Festivals

    6 years ago

    At a Testicle Festival you'll have a ball feasting on rocky mountain oysters (aka bull's balls), or perhaps you'd prefer turkey testis. Learn about eating testicles and preparing this cowboy caviar.

  • Walnut Grove Explodes

    Walnut Grove Explodes

    11 years ago

    Little House on the Prairie ended with an bang, in 1984. Literally, a bang! In the final episode (actually a movie) the residents of that beloved town of Walnut Grove blow it up with dynamite - the whole town with the exception of the church. One by...

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    5 years ago

    Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of the number thirteen. Learn all about this mysterious number and the superstitions surrounding it.

  • SNL's Celebrity Jeopardy

    SNL's Celebrity Jeopardy

    12 years ago

    Saturday Night Live's Celebrity Jeopardy sketches have to be some of SNL's finest. With Sean Connery (Darryl Hammond) or Burt Reynolds (Norm MacDonald) as a contestant with two others celebrities, and Alex Trebek (Will Ferrell) as host, this...

  • 109

    Tramp Stamp: The Lower Back Tattoo

    11 years ago

    Let's examine the Tramp Stamp. Many women are getting them; many guys are drooling over them. The lower back tattoo, also known as a tramp stamp or ass antlers, is wildly popular. Since so many people are getting the lower back tattoo, we must...

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    Senior Pranks

    7 years ago

    Of course you want your class to be remembered. You want to leave a legacy. A well planned, well executed senior prank is perfect for that. The whole point of the senior prank is to leave a memory, for you, your classes, your teachers, and your...

  • Chiyogami


    13 years ago

    Chiyogami is a type of Japanese paper.  It is generally brightly colored patterned paper that is woodblock-printed. Chiyogami is commonly used today for projects like covering small boxes and books, creating origami, and making kimonos for paper...

  • If It Weren't For My Horse...

    If It Weren't For My Horse...

    13 years ago

    Starting out as a simple phrase uttered by some random woman, this phrase entered the ears of Lewis Black. It then nearly killed him by eating away at his brain. The only way in which he could save himself, was to offer up this sentence for the rest...

  • 15

    The Lincoln-Kennedy Coincidences

    6 years ago

    As far as conspiracy theories go, this has got to be one of the strangest and most far fetched. Yet for some reason, this list of 'coincidences' is eerie. Yes, each fact can be argued as quite probable and/or insignificant. But, it is the sheer...

  • Smurf Communism

    Smurf Communism

    5 years ago

    Is it possible that this cartoon, which we all watched and loved, was actually propaganda put upon us to promote communism?  These theories have been around for years.  Weigh the evidence for yourself.  Learn more about the Papa Smurf/Carl Marx...

  • Happy Birthday, Shane! A birthday wish for a boy with cancer.

    Happy Birthday, Shane! A birthday wish for a boy with cancer.

    11 years ago

    Shane Bernier is a courageous seven-year-old boy from Lancaster, Ontario who was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia when he was only five. On June 6th, 2006 Shane and his family received some unfortunate news: Shane experienced a relapse...

  • Carlos Mencia's Jokes (or are they?)

    Carlos Mencia's Jokes (or are they?)

    11 years ago

    Does Carlos "borrow" his material? Well.... yes, according to fellow comedian Joe Rogan. Carlos has been accused by Joe Rogan (very publicly) and other comedians of stealing jokes. Carlos adamantly denies the claims, saying that the jokes were his...

  • Electric Mayhem

    Electric Mayhem

    13 years ago

    Electric Mayhem was the house band for The Muppet Show. They also appeared in several muppet movies and on several muppet albums. They were certainly a cool bunch. With Dr. Teeth leading the band, Janice, Floyd, Zoot, and Animal preformed amazing...

  • Janice: Muppet Member of Electric Mayhem

    Janice: Muppet Member of Electric Mayhem

    12 years ago

    As lead guitarist for The Electric Mayhem, the Muppet Show house band, Janice was one of the only female muppets to interact regularly with the big shots of the show. Miss Piggy usually hogged the leading lady roles, but Janice is not a jealous...

  • Celebrities on Sesame Street

    Celebrities on Sesame Street

    7 years ago

    Celebrities have walked down Sesame Street since the start. Sesame Street is the perfect way to see your favorite celebs let loose and show you a side of them you have maybe not seen. Some stars are just like you would expect them to be, but some...

  • The Number 23

    The Number 23

    11 years ago

    In nature, in history, in culture, in religion, and lurking behind you.....23 is everywhere. To many people, the 23dians, the number 23 seems come up too seems to stalk them. Perhaps it is true, or all in their heads, but it is a bit...

  • Sam The Eagle

    Sam The Eagle

    13 years ago

    Sam the American Eagle is a patriot who has vowed to himself to do all he can to promote and protect wholesome American morals and values. Sam is appalled by the foolishness and so called entertainment that the Muppet Show often puts out with no...

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    Mastering The Office Prank

    11 years ago

    You spend eight hours a day with these people! Eight hours a day! Eight hours with people you don't even get to pick. Eight hours with the guy who has something to say about EVERYTHING. Eight hours with the sci-fi dork who lives in his parent's...

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    The Best Movie Kisses of All Time

    7 years ago

    The Best Movie Kisses of All Time

  • The Princess And The Pea

    The Princess And The Pea

    14 years ago

    The Princess and the Pea is a Danish fairytale first published in 1835. It was told and written by by Hans Christian Andersen. It has been extremely popular over the years, especially with girls, and has been adapted many times in books, movies,...

  • 1 vs 100: The Game Show

    1 vs 100: The Game Show

    7 years ago

    One contestant will battle 'the mob' of 100 others in an attempt to win big on the game show "1 vs 100". This show followed in ways of "Deal or No Deal" as a social game show with potentially huge payoffs, allowing probability and timing to battle...

  • Nursery Rhymes: History & Origins

    Nursery Rhymes: History & Origins

    6 years ago

    Nursery rhymes are passed down from generation to generation. We teach our children these stories, but do we even really know what they mean? Nursery Rhymes have historically been used to express opinions that could not be spoken freely. Some...

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    The Frog Prince: a fairytale

    13 years ago

    The Frog Prince is a lovely fairytale of hope and love. It is an age old tale of how things may not be what they seem, and wonderful things may come in less than wonderful packaging. In our world that seems to put superficial beauty at such...

  • 33

    Lola Is a Slutty Name

    7 years ago

    Lola is a slutty name. In fact, it's the quintessential slutty name. It just exudes sex and seduction.

  • 20

    Barry Williams will do anything for $50

    3 years ago

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I hereby set forth to prove: Barry Williams will do anything for $50. It is a big claim, I know, but I think that after you have taken a few moments to examine the evidence below, you will come to the same conclusion. He'll do...

  • Albany, the Hub of Nanotechnology

    Albany, the Hub of Nanotechnology

    11 years ago

    Albany NY is nestled in the middle of Tech Valley - the valley of growing technology along the hudson river.  With the huge nanotech program at University at Albany, and RPI just over the river - the colleges in the area are certainly doing their...

  • The Kumars at No. 42

    The Kumars at No. 42

    12 years ago

    The Kumars at No. 42, is a hilarious britcom, now found on BBC America. The Kumars are an Indian-British family in North London, who host a talk show, hosted by son Sanjeev, in the TV studio they build in the backyard. It is part scripted, part...

  • Emily Dickinson

    Emily Dickinson

    13 years ago

    Emily Dickinson was born on December 10, 1830 in Amherst, MA. Born into a well-off and well-educated, Emily continued the tradition of education. She never wed, and lived out her life with her family. She left the house very little, but corresponded...

  • 153

    Jayne Mansfield: Sex Symbol

    6 years ago

    Jayne Mansfield: Sex Symbol


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